Atlanta Greek Picnic XX14 Friday Events

Here are some highlights from the AGP14 Wknd, Friday was a fun cookout with the Deltas and the Ques. Atlanta Police Dept. came and shut it down but there was fun after. After the club, I got footage of the after party where there were endless bodies partying from 3a-6a. Hope you enjoy the video, you might catch yourself. Like and comment. The video cutting would have been a lot better but i use iMovie because i couldn’t get to final cut pro x, i still need more help so if you need some footage shot book me help me help you thanks.

Greek Life on Central State University

A brief documentary I shot about some of the greek organizations at my school here at Central State University. Everything was directed by me, all footage was shot by me and this was a project that has been completed since early 2013 and I have improved since. I need more work in the videography field so if interested, help me help you KivenchyVisuals Comment and Like Please. Thank you.


A getaway trip to the city of bright lights. From the streets to the subways, these are some photos from New York City from the weekend of Nov. 28-30. Areas such as Times Square, Harlem, Brooklyn, and more are shown below. These photos was shot and edited by Kivenchy. Hope you enjoy, and the New York trip visual will be showcased soon.

IMG_0770 Rucker Park Kivenchy shooting at the court IMG_0861 IMG_0729 IMG_0702 IMG_0685 IMG_0634 IMG_0626 IMG_0612 IMG_0595 IMG_0591 IMG_0579 IMG_0525 IMG_0511 IMG_0503 IMG_0435 W 155 in Harlem