7.31.13 – Dear Summer

As of right now the summer is really coming to an end. The weather is cooling down and everybody is getting ready for school and classes. When I sit and reflect, this past summer may have not been the most busy or eventful summer but I used this time to grow and really evaluate where I’m at as a person and what direction I’m going. A lot of people don’t take the time to do this, it’s usually always moves to made and friends to call and party with and you never get time to yourself and when you do you don’t know what to do with it. When you get the chance to reflect, reflect.

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EVENT: @markbwavy Photo show at Unheardof Brand 8.3.13

Ecstatic isn’t even close to the true definition of how I’m feeling right now but it’s the best word I can think of at the time.  Proud to announce that I will be having my first photo show Saturday, August 3rd at Unheardof Brand from 7pm-9m| 341 W. 4th Street. Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. There will be photos on display and for sale. And thank you again to the good folks over at Unheardof.


EVENT: From the Crown Up

I’m proud to announce that some of my work will be on display at the event From the Crown Up.  From the Crown up is an event catered towards budding entrepreneurs and industry professionals in today’s entertainment, business, apparel, art and beauty industry. The event is scheduled for July 30th, 2013 at Bar 13 in NYC, starting at 7pm. It’s a networking event for the dreamers, taste-makers and professionals aiming to leave their footprints through their pursuits. So if you’re in the New York area this week be sure to stop by for an one of a kind event!
